PVC Nitrile…

Acoustic and thermal insulation is made from PVC Nitrile due to its closed cell nature providing a natural vapour barrier.

PVC Nitrile is available in tubes, coils and sheets for a wide verity of uses such as HVAC applications. Such as for hot pipe insulations, The Marine industry in engine rooms to retain engine heat reducing the effects elsewhere on the vessel, Automotive industry as a thermal and moisture barrier in buses and coaches and that is to name but a few.

PVC Nitrile Characteristics

The reason PVC Nitrile is so versatile is due to it having an excellent performance against heat loss. Resulting in superb thermal conductivity. It also is impermeable to water and air making it perfect as a condensation and vapour barrier. PVC Nitrile also aids in the protection against corrosion as it is oil and weather resistant. PVC Nitrile is flexible, dust and fibre free allowing the ease of installation. It also has a Class 0 rating which is perfect for an environment with a risk of fire as it does not burn and drip free. It also has a high standard of thermal and sound insulating properties with exceptional properties as an anti-vibration barrier.

Due to these characteristics, it is perfect to manufacture seals, gaskets, anti-vibration barrier and for Acoustic and thermal insulations. Furthermore, all our PVC nitrile parts are further enhanced through the application of technical facings and self-adhesive backing to ease insulation.

Construction Sector

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